
Please note the following policies are for the entire Religious Education Program at Saint Joseph Parish. They are not my own.

Drop-Off and Pick-Up of Students

When dropping off students, please use the side entrance of the school. Once classes begin, all school doors in the front on sides will be locked to ensure safety of the students. We encourage the parents of our students to accompany their children into the building. Please drop the children off in the school cafeteria. For dismissal, we ask that you please follow the same procedure.



We stress the importance of your child's attendance at classes. We understand when circumstances come up or your child is ill. Our policy is after three absences we will contact  you to discuss your child's missed class time. If your child is involved in sports and will miss more than three classes, please advise the Religious Education Coordinator.



We ask that your child arrive no later than 10:25 am so that the class can start promptly at 10:30 am. If your child arrives later than 10:40 am, all doors will be locked and no children will be permitted to access the school. We also encourage parents to pick up their children promptly at 11:45 am to ensure their safety.


Early Dismissal

If you need to pick your child up prior to the regular dismissal time, you will need to stop by the Religious Education Office on the first floor of the school building in advance to request an early dismissal form. Parents please note: students will not be permitted to leave the building for early dismissal. You must come into the building.


Zero Tolerance Policy

At no time is a child permitted to bring the following items into the building: Weapons, knives, guns, any type of tobacco or drugs. If your child is on medications, please advise the Religious Education Office. Violation of the zero tolerance policy is grounds for immediate dismissal from the program.


Behavior Problems

If your child disrupts the class or is disrespectful to the teacher, they will have to remain in the Religious Education Office for the duration of the class time. If the disruption continues, the parents will be notified and this could result in your child's dismissal from the program.


Health Issues or Food Allergies

If your child has any health issues, please stop by the Religious Education Office to discuss. Periodically, we will provide some type of refreshments and treats for the students. Therefore, it is important that you alert us of your child's condition.


Inclement Weather

We ask that you please check KDKA and WPXI in case of inclement weather to be advised if classes are cancelled. Please do no call the Parish Office.